Table of Contents

Each year, we run and supervise a number of students for their undergraduate and master projects at Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge. We also run a great number of summer research internships.

I am very proud that many of my supervised projects/placements lead to publication(s) at the end, even with our first/second year undergraduate students.

What’s new?

My supervision style

For Student Projects (Summer, Part II, III, FYP and MSc projects)

My strategy to design such a project is to have an achievable basis so that nobody fails, but also I make sure there is a research-orientated extension. I am not interested in pure engineering projects (eg. website making, APP building …)

I have supervised several students in the past, and found this strategy extremely helpful to our students, with some of the students ended up writing a research paper (some published in Tier-1 venues like ICML) at the end of the project.

I am also happy with self-proposed projects, please write me an email to discuss about your ideas.

For PhD Projects

See below.

Research placement (non-PhD level)

I offer paid undergraduate summer internships, but they will have to be undergraduates from either Imperial College London or the University of Cambridge (I didn’t make these restrictions, the university did!). I can consider remote undergraduate summer interns, but these will not be paid due to UK tax laws.

The list of possible projects are at Deepwok, I am also happy to discuss self-proposed ideas!

Student Projects

Final Year Project, MSc Project, Part II/III Project and Mphil Project

If you are a student at the University of Cambridge and are interested in doing a Part II, III, or Mphil Project with me, please throw me an email, and see an incomplete project suggestions below (email me for more proposals or propose your own project!).

If you are a student at Imperial College London and are interested in doing an Undergraduate or Master’s Project with me, please throw me an email, and see an incomplete project suggestions below (email me for more proposals or propose your own project!).

It is worth to mention that my research interests are broad and not 100% hardware focused, I do a lot of work in the ML algorithm space focusing on AutoML, Security and graph learning.

PhD opportunities

PhD funding is competitive, especially for international students. I suggest the student look at the following general advice before contacting me for PhD applications.

General advice


Imperial College London have several funding channels:

In general, funding for international students are very competitive.

What I am looking for from you?

I am looking for students that are

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining my group.

PhD in AI/ML and What does it mean by working with me?

I will describe what does ML research mean to me and how I can help students in different ways.

I am actively writing code, in both software and hardware, and am happy to help people (including students) to debug.

I have a wide range of collaborations with researchers of different backgrounds and am always happy to refer students to my collaborators. I enjoyed doing a lot of placements/internships during my PhD and I would strongly suggest other PhDs to do the same given that they are on track.

I am not interested in helping you become an ‘engineer’ or ‘technician’, I would strongly encourage students to bounce ideas around and hopefully can become independent researchers at the end. I am generally very chilled and am open to any research ideas.